
Welcome to The Kingdom Conversation!  We hope this website will help you have meaningful conversations about Jesus with your Muslim friend.

Although we strive to make the best practices available to as many people as possible, the material on this website does not represent the only method by which Muslims will come to know Jesus personally.  It is by no means the only spring by which God distributes His living water.  It would be arrogant for us to think that our way is the only way.  God is on the move and has been doing far more to prepare the hearts of Muslims to meet Jesus than we can think to ask or imagine.  No website could contain all that the Lord is doing, so we are content to simply provide help in what ways we can and look forward to seeing how the Lord uses shepherds and fisherman in ways we never thought possible!

If you have questions, comments or suggestions please let us know through the contact page.

*Please note that this site is still under construction, but in the coming months we hope to have more information like “How to disciple a new believer” soon.  We are very pleased with the traffic the site is generating thus far and are doing our best to get the rest of the material up soon.

Please also note, this is not a site that Muslims should be directed to as it is not written for them.  For any Muslims who do come here, please know that we are doing our best to reintroduce the magnificence of Jesus the Messiah with love and respect.

May God bless you as you build for God’s heavenly kingdom here on earth!

2 thoughts on “Home

  1. hello,my name is nyabyenda eldefonse and my friend theodor,in live rwanda,about the information that you gave us last time concerning how to change musulms to know jesus,we’ve just do it and we baptised more than 20 persons,4musulms,but there is some challenges as to get something to share with them so that they be agree,i,m one of pastor comes from norphen privince of rwanda,thank u we wish to u christmasday and new year 2016.

  2. Thanks so much for posting the comment Nyabyenda. So sorry I didn’t see it until now! Please let me know how we can help you to disciple the new believers and continuing sharing the good news with Muslims and anyone else who needs to hear this message.

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